Fire damage can have many more setbacks other than items burnt or destroyed by the fire itself. Heat, moisture, and smoke are also able to cause significant damage to many locations in your house or business. Smoke can penetrate small crevices of the home, causing hidden damage and odor. Many types of smoke exist that can all cause different types of damage. The fire restoration team at Assurance Restoration understands how far smoke and fire damage may have spread in your home. They will fully inspect the building to locate where the damage resides and what actions need to be taken. Included in this process, they will provide information on how to preserve unaffected areas, what items need to be replaced, and what cleaning methods should be utilized. Assurance Restoration can also carry out the cleaning and restoration itself in a quick and effective fashion. Get your home or business back on track when you choose the cleaning and restoration specialists at Assurance Restoration. water damage athens al
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